Chess Sessions
A main objective of the Swieqi Chess Club is to give the opportunity to everyone to learn the game of chess and benefit from this. In the weekly calendar a good number of time slots are dedicated to info sessions, with everyday between 4:30-7:30 reserved for mentors to host such sessions. Resident mentors then publish their planned times in their respective sections - links below.
General Information
Sessions are typically held per Term, as follows:
Winter Term / Scholastic Term 2 (Jan-Mar)
Spring Term / Scholastic Term 3 (Apr-Jun)
Summer Term (Jul-Sep)
Autumn Term / Scholastic Term 1 (Oct-Dec)
Each term usually consists of 10 sessions, with each session taking around 60 minutes.
Resident mentors will be using an established online system which will make sessions and exercises available to participants and allow mentors to follow participants progress. Participants might be asked to pay an annual 15 euro administration fee to have this setup in place.
Available Sessions by SCC Resident Mentors
Below you can find the sessions to be offered. Some tutors are open for individual or small group classes.​