Content/Syllabus of the main Chess Courses
Elementary knowledge needed by every successful chess player is acquired. Recommended for complete beginners, or players who just know the moves of the game. The early stages of the course present easily comprehensible steps and exercises, which are immediately assimilated through play. The course is complemented by a lot of activities for learning and practice.
Duration: 35 weeks
The chessboard and pieces
How the pieces move
Special moves
The life of a chess king
Mate in one move
Check and getting out of check
Mate by a queen
Mate by two bishops
Basic mate configurations
Introduction to chess openings
Introduction to middlegames
How a game can end
Combination basics
The sacrifice
The deflection
The decoy
The pin and the skewer
Typical combinations 1
Typical combinations 2
Development tales
The safety of the king
The center
Pawn structures
Introduction to chess endgames
The basics of pawn endgames 1
The basics of pawn endgames 2
The basics of rook endgames
The basics of knight endgames
The basics of bishop endgames
The basics of queen endgames
Open positions
Closed positions
Semi-open positions
The second level follows from Level 1 and is about basic tactics and positional play. You will learn many attacking patterns and techniques to win material. Many built-in games and exercises will help you. If you already are very comfortable will playing a full game and know some tactics, you might try to start directly from Level 2, although Level 1 should not be underestimated.
Duration: 35 weeks
The weakness of the bank rank
Principles of attacking 1
Principles of attacking 2
The king left in the center
Castling to opposite sides
Development advantage
Elimination of the defense
Space advantage
Positioning the pieces
Weak squares
Pawn weaknesses
The bishops in the middlegame
The knights in the middlegame
A passed pawn in the middlegame
The rooks in the middlegame
The queen in the middlegame
Exchanging pieces
Closed centers
Open centers
Fixed centers
Mobile centers
Evaluating the position
Unexpected moves
Giving perpetual check
Overloaded pieces
The clearance
Opening preparation
Passed pawns in the endgame
Advanced pawn endgames 1
Advanced pawn endgames 2
Advanced rook endgames
Advanced queen endgames
Mate by a bishop and a knight
Endgame tactics
In the third level you which follows on from Level 2 you will learn about several kinds of attacks, sacrifices, planning, how to calculate and more detail on endgames. Completing level 2 is a must to move to level 3.
Duration: 35 weeks
Using pins
Using deflections
Using decoys
Delivering discovered attacks
Delivering discovered checks
The X-ray attack
Incorrect combination
A knight against a bishop in the middlegame
Winning with activity
Opposite coloured bishops in the middlegame
Intuitive sacrifices
Advanced planning
Hanging pawns
Active defense, counterplay
Variation calculation 1
Variation calculation 2
Taking a risk
Fighting for the initiative
Destructive sacrifices
Breaking through in the center
The minority attack
Exchange sacrifices
Pawn endgames - pawn break
Pawn endgames - reverse tempo
Pawn endgames - defense
A knight against a bishop in the endgame
Rook endgames - A rook against a pawn 1
Rook endgames - A rook against a pawn 2
Rook endgames - Frontal assault and activity
Simplifying the position
Never give up to early
Selected combinations
Chess compositions, studies
Go through opening knowledge with white and black. Choose it as your first opening repertoire or for playing in your games. NOTE: Students should have a basic understanding of chess, at least completed level 1, before participating in this course.
Duration: 36 weeks
Two Knights Defense 1 = NG5
Two Knights Defense 2 - KxF7
Two Knights Defense 3 - B5
Two Knights Defense 4 - ND4
Two Knights Defense 5 -BC5
Evans Gambit - BA5
Evans Gambit - Variations on move 7
Evans Gambit - QB3
Evans Gambit - Morphy vs McDonnell Defense
Petroff Defense - D4
Philidor Defense E4 E5, NF3 Lines
Alekhine Defense
Caro-Kann Defense
French Defense
Scandinavian Defense 1
Scandinavian Defense 2
Pirc and Modern Defenses
Sicilian Defence - Morra gambit Accepted 1
Sicilian Defence - Morra gambit Accepted 2
Sicilian Defence - Morra gambit Declined 1
Sicilian Defence - Morra gambit Declined 2
Petroff Defense - Main Line
Petroff Defense - Nimziwitsch & Cochrane
Petroff Defense - Steinitz Variation
Knights Gambit - Abbazia Defense
Vienna Game
Bishops Opening, Centre Game, Goring Gambit
Queens Gambit - Accepted 1
Queens Gambit - Accepted 2
Queens Gambit - Accepted 3
Queens Gambit - Accepted 4
London System
Colle System
Tarrasch Defense
Flank Opening